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Category:CorelDRAW Category:Word processors Category:Windows text editors Category:Windows-only software Category:2006 softwareHorsepower Horsepower, which is a unit of power, is measured in either metric horsepower or imperial horsepower (abbreviated hp or, more formally, HP) and is a unit of power in the units of measurement known as horsepower. It is measured in watts. The speed of a vehicle is measured in miles per hour, and is often expressed as the vehicle's speed in horsepower, in miles per hour. For example, the top speed of the F-1 racing car during the 1997 Indianapolis 500-mile race was 180.673 miles per hour, or 304.02 horsepower. To convert to kw (kilo-watt), simply multiply by 1.61. To convert to hp, multiply by 2.22, or divide by 1.15. This page contains all the technical and historical information you need about the horsepower. The unit, its physical and numerical characteristics, its use, and its history are described here. Definition Horsepower, which is a unit of power, is measured in either metric horsepower or imperial horsepower (abbreviated hp or, more formally, HP) and is a unit of power in the units of measurement known as horsepower. It is measured in watts. Horsepower is also commonly referred to as horsepower unit, engine horsepower, or, by the British, horsepower output, output and (rarely) what the French call engine poids or moteur. The most obvious function of the horsepower is the measurement of a vehicle's power output, expressed in units of horsepower, or the power provided by a vehicle's internal combustion engine, expressed in units of horsepower. It also provides a standard measurement for measuring the performance of a vehicle's internal combustion engine. The power unit is more commonly referred to as engine power, engine output or, by British speakers, engine output. It is also expressed in either metric horsepower or imperial horsepower, but when expressed in imperial horsepower, it is often referred to as an imperial horsepower unit (abbreviated as hp, as in, for example, the output of a steam engine is a power of 30,200 hp). In France, the engine power unit is called moteur, also expressed as engine poids. In the United Kingdom, the engine power unit is expressed as a metric horsepower or ac619d1d87

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